09/11/2022 - Presentation - Lazaro Gonzalez
Read in french DATES 09/11/20222:00 pm - 3:30 pm LIEU / LOCATION C-1017-02, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx Presentation - Mémoirs of Sexile : Mariel Boatlift and the Cuban…
Read in french DATES 09/11/20222:00 pm - 3:30 pm LIEU / LOCATION C-1017-02, Carrefour des arts et des sciences, Pavillon Lionel-Groulx Presentation - Mémoirs of Sexile : Mariel Boatlift and the Cuban…
Read in french DATES 30/10/20229:00 am - 6:00 pm LIEU / LOCATION Centre Phi, 315 rue Saint-Paul Ouest - Montréal Description The study day "Opera and XR : democratization, innovation, transformation" will…
Read in french On Wednesday 14 June 2023, the co-director of the TECHNÈS partnership Gilles Mouëllic was taken away by illness. The loss of such an exceptional researcher affects all…
Read in french Download call for paper in PDF Under the direction of Thomas Carrier-Lafleur (Université de Montréal) and Baptiste Creps (Université de Montréal) In her essay Le roman sans aventure (“The Novel…
Read in french The Nouvelles Vues team is proud to announce the publication of issue 21 of the magazine, "Mauvais genres". This new issue, edited by Louis Pelletier, brings together…
Read in french The international symposium "Reinventing the Stage. Innovation, création, diffusion" will take place from June 1 to 3, 2023 at the BAnQ's Grande Bibliothèque in Montreal. The aim…
Les écrans règnent en maîtres sur la culture contemporaine. Cinéma, jeux vidéo, télévision, plateformes de vidéo à la demande et réseaux sociaux coexistent au sein d’un même paysage médiatique. Il…
Read in french From May 18-20, the five winners of the prestigious 2018 Killam Prize will participate in the interdisciplinary Opera Research-Creation Seminar, led by professor and composer Ana Sokolović.…
Read in french At the invitation of the National Research Council Canada, the five 2018 Killam laureates will present the Killam Initiative on Rhythm in the context of the National…
Read in french Présidente de séance: Marta Boni (Université de Montréal) (2 virtual participants) Joyce Cimper (Université de Montréal)L’espace et l’attachement aux séries Greta Delpanno (Université de Montréal)Representations of romantic clichés in the italian…