Programme de recherche sur l’archéologie et la généalogie du montage/editing

The Programme de recherche sur l’archéologie et la généalogie du montage/editing (PRAGM/e) was founded in 2018 by André Gaudreault thanks to a grant from the Insight program (2018-2022), awarded by SSHRC for his project entitled “L’invention du concept de montage au cinéma: ses sources, son développement, ses migrations”. The research carried out as part of PRAGM/e looks at the history of editing and, in particular, the history of the terms and concepts related to this practice.


The PRAGM/e program is directed by André Gaudreault in collaboration with Santiago Hidalgo and Laurent Le Forestier. It brings together researchers from Canadian universities: Marc Furstenau (Carleton University), André Gaudreault (Université de Montréal), Santiago Hidalgo (Université de Montréal), Charles Keil (University of Toronto), Viva Paci (UQAM), Bernard Perron (Université de Montréal); and from international universities: François Albera (Université de Lausanne), Dominique Château (Université Panthéon-Sorbonne – Paris I), Marina Dahlquist (Stockholms Universitet), Tom Gunning (University of Chicago), Frank Kessler (Universiteit Utrecht), Laurent Le Forestier (Université de Lausanne), Philippe Marion (Université Catholique de Louvain), Valérie Pozner (CNRS) et Antonio Somaini (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris III).

In addition to the work of the researchers mentioned above, the program encompasses all of the research conducted by André Gaudreault on montage throughout his academic career, with an emphasis on the advent of the practice and on the notions and concepts related to montage in different languages, notably English and French.

PRAGM/e’s activities are coordinated by Robin Cauche, with the assistance of Louis-Philippe Hamel and Katia Andrea Morales Gaitan.

The first symposium of the program, entitled L’émergence du concept de “montage”, was held in November 2019 in Lausanne. Part of the contributions from this colloquium will soon be collected in a journal issue.

The work of PRAGM/e researchers will result in the joint publication of an anthology in French (Presses de l’Université de Montréal) and English (Amsterdam University Press). This book will benefit from an augmented digital version.



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