Groupe de recherche sur l’avènement et la formation des identités médiatiques
The GRAFIM Research Group (Groupe de recherche sur l’avènement et la formation des identités médiatiques) was founded in 2018, is the successor to the GRAFICS (Groupe de recherche sur l’avènement et la formation des institutions cinématographiques et scéniques), founded in 1992. GRAFIM’s mission is to examine the dissemination of film culture and practice in the formation of new media identities in the digital age. Led by André Gaudreault, in collaboration with the director of the CinéMédias Laboratory, Santiago Hidalgo, its team is composed of specialists in cinema, television and video games, the professors Richard Bégin, Marta Boni, André Habib, Bernard Perron, Alanna Thain and Carl Therrien. This new group will use cinema as a model for understanding the evolution of a media universe with increasingly complex ramifications in a program entitled “La dissémination de la culture et de la pratique cinématographiques dans la formation des nouvelles identités médiatiques” (2019-2023). The group’s main objective is to show that cinema, as a particularly abundant and influential cultural and epistemic field, has entered the world of digital and emerging media, and continues to affect our understanding of visual culture as a whole. With this in mind, GRAFIM’s programming will be divided into three complementary lines of enquiry which reflect the group’s objectives: 1) “Practices and Institutions”; 2) “Aesthetics and Representations”; and 3) “Imagination and Communities.” These three lines of enquiry have been chosen to identify the three main interconnected conceptual fields within the cinematic system. For more information, visit the GRAFICS website (former name of GRAFIM).