Guest-edited by Éric Thouvenel
The history of experimental cinema is run through with practices and ideas which interrogate, contest or inflect the uses of film technology ordained by the film industry. In experimental film a large portion of technical inventiveness is devoted to conceiving technical get-ups which will enable filmmakers to invent original forms. This idea of “bricolage” will be a touchstone in this digital book, which will see technical thinking as a way to open up a field of possibilities, and which will also show how the demands of efficiency which underpin cinematic engineering can be found even in its “margins,” with sometimes spectacular results.
Charles-André Coderre, Dario Marchiori, Vincent Deville, Éric Thouvenel
Stephen Broomer, Sophie Lorgeré, Éric Thouvenel
Dario Marchiori, Tatian Monassa, Éric Thouvenel