Guest-edited by Martin Bonnard et Viva Paci
This digital book will set out a problematized history of a form located at the crossroads of documentary cinema and the possibilities of the Web: the web documentary (or webdoc), a term used to describe Internet sites made up of multimedia elements in a non-linear structure which bear the signs of authorship, or an authorial intention. While it may be seen as a hybrid form with fleeting success (mostly in the early 2010s), we will examine the webdoc as a sign of contemporary mutations in documentary audiovisual practices, underscoring the consistently innovative artisanal experimentation which characterizes it.
Table of contents
Martin Bonnard, Viva Paci
Pascal Martin
Martin Bonnard, Viva Paci
Martin Bonnard, Viva Paci
Rémy Besson
Adrian Miles
Karianne Fiorini
Caroline Zéau
Elizabeth Miller